Thursday, December 31, 2009

Tomorrow's the Day...and being hungover is not an excuse

The new year is finally upon us. Tomorrow officially starts the 12 months of wellness with the 30X30. I know you've been so excited you can barely contain yourself! So, tonight, go out, enjoy yourself, drink too much champagne, make out with that handsome stranger in the corner, but regardless of what you do tonight, realize that you have no excuse for getting up and moving tomorrow.

Tomorrow I think is the perfect day to do something reflective while working out. Go for a run, go for a walk, work out on the elliptical, but keep your mind clear during this 30 minutes. That means no walking around a busy mall, or reading while on the elliptical, or watching TV on the treadmill. For just this first session, I want you to think about what you want this next year to hold for you. Think about how you're going to change your body and soul and how much better you're going to look and feel after this year. Envision how you're going to make this happen, and all the great things that are going to happen for you this year. Maybe you'll get a new job, a new relationship, have a baby, whatever it is, just spend these 30 minutes tomorrow thinking about how exciting this new year is going to be for you and committing to yourself that you deserve to have a well life, a life worth living, from the inside out.

Happy New Year and Happy New You!

xoxo, Sarah

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Thanks Caroline for introducing me to Dr. Weil

I want to give some public thanks to Caroline who clued me in on this amazing Dr. Weil, from whom I will be able to find lots of mind/soul and nutritional ideas to use as wellness shots.

If you have any great websites or know of anything that might be of interest to me to push back out to all of you on this website, please don't hesitate to send them to me!!

xoxo, Sarah

PS. Oh, and thanks for Erin for the inspirations quote calendar which will definitely get some use! 

You're never too busy to reap the rewards of regular exercise

I know I know!! No need to whine to me! It's hard to exercise every day. You aren't different from me or anyone else! It's a tough job being alive, isn't it? But don't you dare sit there and give me the old "but I'm busy, I have kids, I have this." Those excuses have one thing in common, they are EXCUSES and an excuse to be lazy to boot. Besides, did you ever stop to consider that you come across as annoying and self-righteous to whomever you are telling that excuse to? That's right, you heard me, you are basically telling whoever is listening to your sob story that you are more important than they are because you are too busy to exercise. And I hate to break it to you, but you aren't more important, you're just being lazy. So either, decide you want to commit, or be honest with yourself and everyone else and own up to the fact you want to be lazy. But also own up to the fact that you'd be a lot happier, look better, feel better, and live longer for those aforementioned kids if you would start exercising!

For this month's challenge, I'm not asking you to put in 2 hours a day at the gym, just move for 30 minutes. I posted some simple ways to get extra time in last post, but as if that didn't sound easy enough to you, you can get your 30 minutes by simply taking a 10 minute walk after lunch, taking another 10 minute walk after dinner (take the kids, exercise is beneficial for everyone, not just adults) or toss the football around with them, and then do a light stretching routine for 10 minutes before you go to bed. There! Don't you feel great! You just put in 30 minutes into your already packed day. You know the saying "if you want something done, give it to a busy person." Well, that goes for exercise too! If you really wanted to exercise you wouldn't be giving me these excuses. And that's what they are, excuses for sitting around on your lazy bum! Your lazy bum that is getting larger and larger the more it just sits there.

Regular, daily exercise reaps huge benefits.

Mayo Clinic posted an article about 7 benefits of regular exercise. Basically, you'll constantly be in a better mood, sleep better, reduce your chance of cardiovascular disease, fight off illness, manage weight, revamp your sex life, and you can even have fun while doing it! See article here. I for one can attest to the positive benefits as since I started regular exercise, I have had more energy and a more positive outlook on life. It's amazing how much better you can feel. And I can guarantee that just after 2 weeks, you'll be dying to fit in the time into your busy schedule.

So, now you're thinking "ok, I'm game, but how do I get started and stick with it?" Simple! Pick something you'll enjoy doing, get other people involved, put exercise "appointments" on your calendar, make a work out date, but most importantly, just get up off your butt! If you put your workout clothes on, half the battle is over. And once you're out there, you'll be glad you did it. Never once will you be sitting on your couch thinking "gee, I'm really glad I didn't work out today." However, on that other hand, if you force yourself out there, I can guarantee you'll be thinking "gee, I'm really glad I decided to get out and do this today."

If you get out there every day this month, I can literally guarantee you'll feel better, have better self-esteem and be happier at the end of this month that you have been in a long time. It's only one month! You can do it! But I can bet you won't want to stop once February comes along!

Photo credit:

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Get Excited! January's Goal is Here! 30X30

I know you've all been waiting with bated breath for January's goal and as the new year slowly approaches, I know you are just ITCHING to get this thing moving!! So here it is! No need to wait any longer. This month's goal is... The 30X30!!

What is that you may ask? Basically, the gist is: get off your lazy ass and get moving for at least 30 minutes per day for 30 days in a row. NO EXCUSES!

To be fair, I'll admit, I'm copying this 100% from my favorite life-coach/well-coach Ron Jones who created for himself as a 2007 New Year's goal and took it to his Lean Beret Group in 2009. I'm encouraging everyone to take a few minutes and visit the Lean Beret 30X30 2009 site as it provides great motivation. After you visit that site, I know you'll be just as excited as I am for January. I'm printing out the Public Declaration Flyer and posting it on my cube and at my house for a constant visual reminder.

I know some of you might be like "But that's hard! I don't have time. This is starting it off too difficult! Forget this Be Well in 12 program." To you I say "Bah!" If you want the year to be great, why not start it off with a challenge? By accomplishing this, you'll only be more motivated as the year progresses.

There's no minimum requirement of what constitutes "exercise". It can be at your own pace and can be as simple as walking or stretching, and can be as vigorous as running, swimming or hiking. Whatever gets you out there and moving will work.

Unlike many exercise recommendations you've heard, these don't even have to be in increments of 10 minutes, 5 at a minimum will work. And don't tell me you don't have 5 minutes. DO NOT TELL ME THAT! That is an excuse, and what's the number one rule? NO EXCUSES!

Walk around the office building before entering from the parking lot, do a lap of Target before you start shopping, when you walk to a cart at lunch, walk around the block first. Do some light stretching before you wake up. Take a 10 minute walk after dinner. Of course, I'll hit the gym most days, but do what works for you, what will keep you committed. There's no one here to judge you because you didn't run 3 miles during your 30 minutes. We're only judging if you don't work out at all. :)

You have three days to get excited. Look for some motivational posts before the 1st to get you excited! I know I'm excited! I feel like if I can accomplish this, I'll be well on my way to a more healthy, happy 2010! If you want the year to be great, you have to start it off great!

So, what do you think? Are you excited? How are you planning on accomplishing this!? And remember: 

Photo Credit: iStockphot

Sunday, December 27, 2009

January's Goal and Diet/Exercise Resolutions start now!

So, January's goal is definitely going to be fitness, but I'm debating between whether to start it off with a bang and gung ho right into exercise 6 times a week, for 30 minutes, or do something a little smaller, like walk up the stairs every day to work and at your house and park a little bit further back at work and at shopping centers. Thoughts!? Do we bang start 2010 heavy duty, or ease our way into it!? Let me know and I'll post the goal.

Also, no need to wait until Jan 1 to start getting serious about diet and exercise. Mine starts right now. Really, the bulk of the holidays is over. New Year's Eve isn't really a huge eating holiday, and I can easily liken it to a birthday party or girls night out any given weekend. So therefore, no need to get out of control, or binge for the rest of the week since I think the diet starts in a week. No! It starts today.

I've already made my green smoothie and salad for tomorrow, my gym bag is packed, and I have huge diet news! I am giving up sodas. That's right! Starting tomorrow, no more sodas. Sodas will be reserved for a treat on a rare occasion, not a thrice daily indulgence. Granted they were diet, but I've read the research about the chemicals, how bad those are for you, and that even cutting back on diet soda helps in weight loss. So, wish me luck. Those of you that know me know this is a HUGE DEAL!! I'll keep you posted.

Photo credit: wordpress blog
Photo credit:

Photo credit:

And let me know about January fitness goal!

xoxo, Sarah

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Let's be realistic about your personal goals and what this blog will do for you

Just to clarify, this blog isn't about turning us all into marathon running, zone eating, yoga meditating health-nuts. If you are that/want that to be your goal, AWESOME for you! And I will support you 100%! I fully expect everyone to have their own individual goals that you intend to achieve this year.

However, if you're expecting me to give tips on how to become any of the above, you've come to the wrong place. This isn't about being perfect, this isn't about doing everything that any nutritionist/fitness person ever suggested. Hell, if we did that, we wouldn't have time for anything else. I'm not trying to make over my or your entire lifestyle, rather, I want us to set little goals for ourselves, something each month we'll accomplish and feel awesome on the inside for completing it. Feeling good both physically because it was a goal that made our physical bodies improve, but also mentally because we set out to do something hard and we did it!

So, the question is, what is your other goal for you to achieve this year? I want you to think about what it is you'd like to accomplish this year in addition to my little program and write it as a comment on this post. If you put it out there for the world to see, you're 9 times more likely to complete it (like that statistic? Sounds good, right? I have no idea if it's factual or not). So the question is: what is your goal? Is it:

Exercise: complete the Monument 10K? run your first marathon? start a weight training program? start exercising at least 3 times per week?

Nutrition: give up fried foods? limit sweets and candies? lose 10 lbs?

Mind/Soul: take time for yourself each week? start going to church? start reading for pleasure?

Heck, it could even be: Complete this Be Well in 12 program.

Whatever it is, feel free to have one or ten goals, but write them down. Have a plan of action. You're more likely to stick to it if you do.

Photo credit:

Saturday, December 19, 2009

Welcome Wellness Fans

December. Not only a time filled with family and love and holiday cheer, but also a time filled with gluttony and impending dread over the New Year's Resolution. As resolution after resolution danced in my head, I resolved not to let another year go by where I would state the trite "lose 20 lbs" and end up no where closer to that goal when the year ended than when I started. Rather, it was time to focus on total wellness: nutrition, fitness, and soul. The mighty triad. The true meaning of total self-harmony. And I'm taking you with me.

How it works:
Three goals (fitness, nutrition, and mind/soul) times 4 months each, equals 12 months. A full year dedicated to total wellness. Each month, I'll rotate a new goal that incorporates one goal from each of those categories. Along the way, we'll have mini-weekly goals, or "wellness shots" as I affectionately like to call them. Just a little something to get us going and remembering the final mission of total wellness. These won't be every week, just a little something when the mood strikes us.

While I tentatively have a full year's schedule of wellness goals, I'm open to additional ideas, and will take comments and suggestions liberally. These will be especially helpful with keeping the mini-goals fresh. Please feel free to email me or post a comment with suggestions or goals. All suggestions for a monthly goal need to be submitted by December 29. Wellness shot ideas may be submitted year round.

Some ideas:
Fitness: walk up stairs every day to work, exercise every day, try a new fitness activity
Nutrition: no fast food, bring lunch to work every day
Mind/soul: daily affirmations, pamper yourself, educational trip

Whenever appropriate, I will try to organize group events so we can meet that month's goal together.

I hope you are as excited as I am! Basically, this is all about bettering ourselves, and committing ourselves to "getting off our lazy asses and doing what we should already be doing" (to quote Aaron).

This blog will only survive with support from you because I'm already envisioning that come mid-March, I'll be like "what did I get myself into?" But that's why I need YOU! To keep me motivated, and in turn, I hope to keep you motivated. So be prepared to write supportive comments on this blog and get your exercise gear ready because January will be here before you know it!

If you are a newcomer that happens to stumble across this blog mid-month, mid-year, etc., just start right now, right here, and come December 31, you'll be a better person for it.

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