Sunday, December 27, 2009

January's Goal and Diet/Exercise Resolutions start now!

So, January's goal is definitely going to be fitness, but I'm debating between whether to start it off with a bang and gung ho right into exercise 6 times a week, for 30 minutes, or do something a little smaller, like walk up the stairs every day to work and at your house and park a little bit further back at work and at shopping centers. Thoughts!? Do we bang start 2010 heavy duty, or ease our way into it!? Let me know and I'll post the goal.

Also, no need to wait until Jan 1 to start getting serious about diet and exercise. Mine starts right now. Really, the bulk of the holidays is over. New Year's Eve isn't really a huge eating holiday, and I can easily liken it to a birthday party or girls night out any given weekend. So therefore, no need to get out of control, or binge for the rest of the week since I think the diet starts in a week. No! It starts today.

I've already made my green smoothie and salad for tomorrow, my gym bag is packed, and I have huge diet news! I am giving up sodas. That's right! Starting tomorrow, no more sodas. Sodas will be reserved for a treat on a rare occasion, not a thrice daily indulgence. Granted they were diet, but I've read the research about the chemicals, how bad those are for you, and that even cutting back on diet soda helps in weight loss. So, wish me luck. Those of you that know me know this is a HUGE DEAL!! I'll keep you posted.

Photo credit: wordpress blog
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And let me know about January fitness goal!

xoxo, Sarah


  1. i think we need to ease into it-don't want to be overwhelmed...i like the stairs idea and maybe, instead of hard core gym time, make sure we take a walk at a brisk pace for at least 30 minutes a day.

    so happy you're giving up sodas! very coolio. for me, i'll cut down on the decaf coffees i consume. i'll only have one a week instead of once a day. this'll help my waistline in many ways, because it'll break up my (unhealthy) routine of having a donut with my coffee. brilliant, jerry, brilliant!

  2. I like easy 30 minutes a day, it can be walking if you want, or even stretching, but hard core gym time if you want it, it's all about you baby!

    Cutting down on the decaf sounds great too. You're trained to want that donuts with the coffee, I totally agree Jerry, it is brilliant! Perfect! And if you're not getting the caffeine, then what's the point, right? It's like drinking O'Douls...what's the point? Easy to cut out!

  3. I am going to try not to eat after 7pm at night, and try to get into bed by 10:30 this week. Will start my P90X Lean program next Monday!!

  4. Greta! These are great! Good job! I will say don't worry about 100% on the eating after 7pm though, just most nights will be perfect! And yes, you better start your P90X, I am sick of hearing about it! :) So get it girl, use it for your 30X30, and you are gonna be superwoman!

  5. oh my gosh-today was day two w/o my decaf and donut at almost killed me! but i feel good for sticking with it. plus, i'm saving money :). tomorrow, midweek, it's time for my treat!

  6. N - awesome! I also finished day 2 without sodas and am well onto day 3. And let me tell you, it almost killed me too! I almost fell asleep at work Monday and have had splitting headaches both days. But the money we are saving is definitely a plus and I think we can definitely be proud of ourselves. Enjoy your treat tomorrow, but make sure that is it until next week! Got that girl?!
