Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Late week 3 check in and other miscellaneous items

I know it's been over a week, but I have to be honest, I was disappointed in myself and didn't want to admit it to the blogosphere.

I officially went off the No C's bandwagon 4 days in a row! But I learned a lot from this experience.

1. I learned that I am like an alcoholic when it comes to food. I can't have just one. I had chocolate on Valentine's Day and rather than satisfying me, it only set off the out of control behavior that followed the next four days.

2. It is easier to work out every day than it is to make diet changes.

3. Therefore, I agree with all the experts that say losing weight must be 90% diet and 10% exercise.

So, what am I going to do with this new found knowledge? For one, I have decided that I can't have treats. I overdose on them, and that's just not good for anyone. Secondly, I am going to get back on the bandwagon and say no treats until my birthday (which is March 7). - Side note, I haven't had any since the 17th, meaning first no C day was on the 18th. Are these sweets really worth it? I mean, is my life incomplete without them? I say no. I say I am doing fine without them, and I need to avoid them at all cost! I just need to remind myself that C's are poison in my body.

I'm not going down with out taking others with me. Okay, I won't name any names, but you can probably guess.

Suspect 1 convinced me to have some King Cake on Fat Tuesday. I told her no, but she persisted and eventually wore me down (okay, to be fair, it didn't take a lot of persuading). I think she thought if I had some, it would be okay if she did too. Suspect 2 found me eating the King Cake and had a piece herself! I will say that suspect 1 went off the bandwagon a few more times than me (I think 6 total month to date), while Suspect 2 is doing slightly better than me at 3 times.

What about you? Are you doing as terribly as me? I should have listened to Tanya who suggested we do one treat a week. Dang it!

So, the quotes on my calendars the past few days have been apropos. I will share.

"You can't hit a home run unless you step up to the plate. You can't catch fish unless you put your line in the water. You can't reach your goals if you don't try." - Kathy Seligman

"An archer cannot hit thebull's eye if he doesn't know where the target is." - Anonymous

"Nothing can stop the man with the right mental attitude from achieving his goal; nothing on earth can help the man with the wrong mental attitude." - Thomas Jefferson

So, yes, I may have hit a little bit of a patchy spot, but it's time to get my mental attitude adjusted back on track, decide what my goal is, and achieve it. I messed up. I need to add another week to the No C's. I'm getting back to the gym after my accident, and it's time to get re-energized on the wellness front!

Ok! Are you feeling pumped! No C's for you! Gym for you! We can do it!

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