Thursday, January 28, 2010


I'm sitting here at the Richmond Airport getting and realized this is the perfect time to catch up on my blogging! I'll see how much I can get through before we start boarding in about 20 minutes.

I definitely made it Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday (today). Although today, I have to admit was pretty weak. Under normal circumstances I probably wouldn't have even gone. I just didn't really get anything from the gym, but because I am dedicated to this, I plowed on through the most uninspired workout ever. But, as I have mentioned several times before, anything is better than nothing! Even if I didn't even sweat. But after the 30 minutes was up, I did stretch for about 15 minutes, which felt soooo good. I've been really sore lately, I think it's from the increase in the intensity from Danie and my workouts. But anyways, that at least made it worthwhile, I feel much more limber these days.

I'm heading out to Albuquerque today for work!! I love it out west, I really do. It's just so serene and beautiful and there really is something about the stillness of the land that is beyond words. You can almost hear the traditional tribal music with the beat of the drum and the soothing melody of the flute in the quiet background as you look over the desert. I love all the Native American jewelry too and definitely packed all my silver and turquoise I bought back over a decade ago from the last time I was in New Mexico. I think the client will appreciate my trying to fit in!

Since neither Richmond nor Albuquerque are major airports, I have to fly back Saturday even though the meeting is over around noon. So, I did some research and am going to spend some of my afternoon by getting in my 30 minutes (at least) at the Petroglyph National Monument. There's lots of trails there that I can go hiking on and check out all the petroglyphs. Sounds awesome huh? Do you think the Indians thousands of years ago would imagine we'd be here studying and visiting their scratchings?

images from google image search
I did remember to bring my camera and hope to have some photos of my own to share next time!

In other news, does anyone else feel like there's an awful lot of stories on the news about a young woman in her late 20s/early 30s disappearing from some sort of nature trail and it's always out west somewhere!? Yikes! Not being paranoid or anything... I'll be fine!

Have a great day!

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